When placing objects, object can be filtered in the following categories:
The Objects menu is used to place, delete, re-position objects such as units and buildings. Terrain has a lot more options, most notably because of the 3D engine allowing the player to change the elevation of the terrain and 'paint' the terrain from a wide variety of textures. The World menu allows the lighting preset to be changed, (for example, changing from daytime to nighttime,) changing the size of the map without regenerating a new one and changing the global terrain elevation. The Scenario menu is used to set the players' color, civilization, diplomacy and objectives as well as play-testing the scenario directly. To do this, simply click the 'New' icon on the tool bar, a window will open in which the desired random map can be selected in addition to being able to set the seed, map size, and number of players. By default, a blank normal sized canvas with grass terrain will be generated, but a new map can be generate based on the random maps from skirmish mode.