In the case you feel we will not be able to accept your request, you can always manually delete your account and re-register under a new name in order to have nexus mods how to delete download history new username. Approval will be at the staff's discretion, nexus mods how to delete download history. It is possible to request a username change on our services, however, this is a manual process for our staff so we ask that this request is made only once per account. There is also a history of mods you have downloaded from Nexus at ? If you are running out of space it is a good idea to delete out of date mods by right clicking on it in NMM and then selecting uninstall or delete then clicking deleting mod permanently. Working on a way to remove any unfamiliar folders but school is taking up a bit of my time Changed the message that told you stuff was clean. This will not remove any folders for mods the have stuff inside them. Re-worked the batch file to remove any empty folders. I don't need to see 'Downloaded' on a mod I made myself: I'd rather just see whether or not the main picture I used for it looks nice on the website.
Especially for mods that you made and published yourself.
Where can I find my download history? - Nexus Mods Site Help Nexus mods how to delete download history